Thursday 11 February 2010

Is this guy out of touch?

Housing minister says repossession is the 'best thing' for home owners

The housing minister suggested repossession is the “best thing” for struggling home owners on the day figures showed evictions reached a 14-year high.

That is the headline to this article.

This comes from a guy who made a profit of £88,000 on a flat. See extract from the article below;

As part of The Daily Telegraph’s investigation into MPs expenses, Mr Healey was found to have made a profit of £88,000 on a flat in south London that was subsidized by the taxpayer for at least five years.

He was also found to have claimed £1,317 to replace his own front door, while he overclaimed more than £2,000 for mortgage interest.

We, the taxpayer, subsidized his flat and he makes a profit on it.

This government let the housing market spiral out of control with mortgages worth four, five, six or more times your salary.

It just couldn't be sustained and it all came crashing down.

People losing their homes must be devastating for them, but you get an idiot come on and say it is the best thing for them to lose their homes.

These people work their arses off trying to keep a roof over their family's head, but you John Healey housing minister, have had your home subsidized by US, your mortgage interest paid by US, furniture paid by US, repairs paid by US.

Does anyone want to bring back the old, and forgotten art of tar and feathering people.


Carneades said...

This government let the housing market spiral out of control with mortgages worth four, five, six or more times your salary.

Not quite. It was a certain Mrs Thatcher of the Tory party who released controls on the building societies and the amounts they were able to lend. This government may not have changed anything back (and imagine the headlines if they'd tried), but in the interests of fairness let's not forget where all the greed and avarice started.

Mrs Byron said...

Oi Greeky Geezer,
You leave Mrs T outta this; its alwight fer you being smug, you is one of them cave dwellers frum up the valley, you aint gorra proppa mortgage like what we ‘as, yous only paid a pittance fer yer cave we hasta live in real houses wiv runnin’ water.

Carneades said...

And once again, the erudite and sophisticated tones of Mrs Byron shine a welcome ray of illumination on a difficult subject...fhunducl