Saturday, 6 February 2010

This is a Good One

I hope you like this, it is from Militant Medical Nurse from her Blog 'A Good One'

A postoperative patient became angry during morning rounds.

The doctor and the nurse had entered his room to review his progress.

The very young petite woman kept responding to the questions that the patient was directing at the big, tall, muscular man in scrubs.

He wanted answers from the doctor dammit, not some “dumb slut nurse” as he phrased it.

The ITU Nurse–a former Big Ten offensive lineman (American football player) politely introduced the patient to the little woman and informed angry patient that she was the brilliant cardiothoracic surgeon who had saved his life the night before.

The cardiothoracic surgeon, in turn, pointed to the big guy and introduced the patient to the “dumb nurse whose brains and education will be keeping you alive for the next 12 hours while I am away seeing my other patients.”

The money I would pay to see the patient's face.

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